
By David R. Sear
(with the collaboration of Simon Bendall and Michael Dennis O'Hara)
This provides a complete type catalogue of the entire Byzantine coinage, spanning almost a thousand years, from the fall of the Roman Empire in the West in the late 5th century AD to the conquest of Constantinople by the Turks in the mid-15th century. It provides more information in a concise form than any other single-volume work on the coinage of the Christian Empire in the East. The 1987 edition contains a thorough revision of the post-1204 section of the catalogue undertaken by Simon Bendall, the noted specialist in late Byzantine coinage; and a valuable appendix on modern forgeries contributed by Michael O'Hara, who has done considerable research on this important topic.
526 catalogue pages, including 34 pages of introductory articles, 7 maps, and table of monograms; 2,645 coin types catalogued with valuations, plus 93 modern forgeries; over 600 photographic illustrations (by P. Frank Purvey) in the text; published by Seaby, London, 1987.
Price $100.00 plus $12.00 postage & handling (domestic orders) or $20.00 (abroad)..