Owl of Athena
A.C.C.S. Service
Submission Form
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Ancient Coins

Detailed Certificate
Roman Coins Detailed Format Certificate of Authenticity

Ancient Coins
Key Pattern
Ancient Coin Certification Service
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The DAVID R. SEAR ANCIENT COIN CERTIFICATION SERVICE (ACCS) provides an authoritative aid to collectors and dealers who are seeking both a valid attribution of their coins and confirmation of authenticity. It offers a level of expertise unrivaled by any other grading and certification service in the world. The Certificates will provide you with a comprehensive record of your collection and may be invaluable for insurance purposes in case of theft.

Submitted coins will receive expert examination to verify authenticity; a full description with references to the standard works on the series; a digital color photograph to confirm identity of the piece; and, in the case of the DETAILED FORMAT, a comprehensive individual assessment of the coin's historical significance. All of this information, together with the photograph, are presented on an attractive 81/2 X 11 Certificate of Authenticity which is protected from damage and alteration by high quality heavy lamination. Each Certificate bears the signature of David R. Sear and has its own serial number.

Certification Options
There are two formats available - BASIC ($45.00) and DETAILED ($55.00). Both are presented on the same size Certificate, the principal difference being the addition of a paragraph giving comprehensive information on the historical background to the issue and the precise significance of the particular variety. Dealers please note that I do not normally include grading on certificates supplied to trade consignors unless specifically requested to do so.

Turn-around time for items submitted to this service is frequently up to 8 weeks depending on the current volume of consigments. Please be patient or use the PRIORITY SERVICE if you are in a hurry. This service is available for an additional fee of $30.00 per coin (maximum of 5 coins per submission). Payment of this fee guarantees priority treatment of your consignment which is normally accomplished within 5 working days from the date of receipt.

Coins should be sent by registered and insured mail to the address appearing on the SUBMISSION FORM. Please minimize the use of staples and adhesive tape as these add to the difficulty of opening your package. Coins should be listed with a brief description and an estimate of the value for which you would like them insured when being returned to you. All submissions must be prepaid with check or money order made payable to "David R. Sear" (please ensure that you have included sufficient monies to cover the cost of return registered and insured mail (scale of charges is provided on the SUBMISSION FORM).


Ancient Coins

Roman Excavations
Ancient Coins
Numismatics About David R SearUseful links © David R. Sear - POB 7314 Porter Ranch, CA 91327 USA